Christian Blog

‘Friendship’ is recognized both Internationally (7/30) and Nationally in the USA (8/4). But as with all virtues, friendship deserves vigilant cultivation and nurturing beyond recognizing it with a special day. We learned a trait of true friendship from something Christ...
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Daily we face lots of ‘small things’… micro-aggressions, micro-pressures and subtle temptations. Emotions can inflate them to seem larger or more difficult than they really are. Scripture reminds us to have PERSPECTIVE: “If racing against mere men makes you tired,...
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*Read in Spanish - Leer en Español FACT: Father’s Day holiday of 6/18 is celebrated internationally in approximately 70 countries! Calling all Heroes!: Fathers are often seen as our first ‘hero’s’… Today, cultures around the world urgently need ‘heroes’. Scripture’s...
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  *Read in Spanish - Leer en Español Acts chapter 2 records a great change which happened when God first made being born of His spirit available to humanity. Scripture tells that previously, spirit was conditionally placed upon individuals in portions for certain...
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