True Happiness
The world sells a lie that God doesn’t value our happiness and many buy into it, unfortunately.
But in Scripture, ‘happiness’ is and always was GODS IDEA and His thoughts produce #TrueHappiness - the worlds 🌎 thoughts don’t.
God made this essential to our relationship with Him! So, we don’t need to pursue our happiness apart from Him.
Trusting what God says over our emotions or trending opinions, produces happiness (without regret 😔 ):
“The one who learns to handle matters wisely by following the Lords instructions, receives success, and are made the happiest they could ever be.” [Prov. 16:20]
“Following the heart leads to being fooled many times. But the person that walks in integrity and wisdom will have Gods solutions to all their matters.” [Prov. 28:26]
“When the Lord is the source of your life’s blessings, no regrets follow them.” [Prov. 10:22]
Monitoring our thinking 🧠 with Scripture plays a critical role in our happiness:
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” [Prov. 4:23]
“For the word of God is living and effective...It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” [ex. Heb. 4:12]
“A joyful heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit DRIES UP the bones.” [Prov.17:22]
‘Heart’ = our innermost mind, where our frequent, dominant thoughts root and produce fruit
‘Dries Up’ = to wither, cause shame, confusion or disappointment
God’s healing thoughts of #forgiveness and His unique #agape love are the solutions to what causes withering, shame, confusion and disappointment in our lives (See. Col. 3:13, 1 Jhn. 4:18).
We don’t have to keep chasing pleasure and finding frustration 😢 like the world 🌎 does.
God wants to be our source for #TrueHappiness and He makes it EASY to be truly happy.
This has us smiling wide today!
- Anothen
But in Scripture, ‘happiness’ is and always was GODS IDEA and His thoughts produce #TrueHappiness - the worlds 🌎 thoughts don’t.
God made this essential to our relationship with Him! So, we don’t need to pursue our happiness apart from Him.
Trusting what God says over our emotions or trending opinions, produces happiness (without regret 😔 ):
“The one who learns to handle matters wisely by following the Lords instructions, receives success, and are made the happiest they could ever be.” [Prov. 16:20]
“Following the heart leads to being fooled many times. But the person that walks in integrity and wisdom will have Gods solutions to all their matters.” [Prov. 28:26]
“When the Lord is the source of your life’s blessings, no regrets follow them.” [Prov. 10:22]
Monitoring our thinking 🧠 with Scripture plays a critical role in our happiness:
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” [Prov. 4:23]
“For the word of God is living and effective...It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” [ex. Heb. 4:12]
“A joyful heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit DRIES UP the bones.” [Prov.17:22]
‘Heart’ = our innermost mind, where our frequent, dominant thoughts root and produce fruit
‘Dries Up’ = to wither, cause shame, confusion or disappointment
God’s healing thoughts of #forgiveness and His unique #agape love are the solutions to what causes withering, shame, confusion and disappointment in our lives (See. Col. 3:13, 1 Jhn. 4:18).
We don’t have to keep chasing pleasure and finding frustration 😢 like the world 🌎 does.
God wants to be our source for #TrueHappiness and He makes it EASY to be truly happy.
This has us smiling wide today!
- Anothen